This post was originally published on Astrology King
HOROSCOPES: 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | Weekly | Monthly
Click on your star sign below to read your 2025 horoscope. Each star sign is divided into three Decans for a more accurate and personal touch.
2025 Horoscope Decans
If you are unsure which decan to read, make your free horoscope. You can also find the decans for your rising sign (Ascendant) and Moon sign. These horoscopes are written for your Sun sign. But the rising sign applies more to your relationships, and the Moon sign applies more to your emotions, home, and family life.
- Decan 1 – 00°00′ to 09°59′
- Decan 2 – 10°00′ to 19°59′
- Decan 3 – 20°00′ to 29°59′
Your 2025 horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan. This method is more accurate and authentic than houses, zones, or sectors.
2025 Astrology
The planetary aspects listed below are set for New York.
The following aspects are not exact until 2026, but they come within 2° orb in 2025: