

Jupiter Trine Midheaven Natal and Transit

Jupiter trine Midheaven maximum orb 6°00′. Jupiter trine Midheaven natal enables you to make a successful career from your hobby or what brings you pleasure and fulfillment. You may find your calling early and receive support and encouragement from your…

Chemistry Nobel Awarded for Protein Design and Structure Prediction

Sue Kientz The 2024 Chemistry Nobel Prize, awarded for groundbreaking discoveries in understanding the structure and folding order of protein structures, is another win for Artificial Intelligence, the second for this year. Those honored from Physiology/Medicine, Physics, and now Chemistry,…

Physics Nobel Awarded for Machine Learning Tools

Sue Kientz The Astrology News Service’s week examining the 2024 Nobel Prize winners continues with the Physics prize, the first Nobel to honor achievements in the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, the two honorees in Physics both developed tools…